Sean Sinclair Fights to Open Court File

Sean Sinclair, representing the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Globe & Mail, brought a successful court application to open up part of a court file about the residential school system settlement. Sean was quoted in the related news story saying, “I think the result is a really important outcome for openness and transparency for our court system. It goes to that old maxim that justice not only must be done — it must be seen to be done.”

The CBC news story can be found here.

“I think the result is a really important outcome for openness and transparency for our court system. It goes to that old maxim that justice not only must be done — it must be seen to be done.”

– Sean M. Sinclair

Sean M. Sinclair

Direct: (306) 933-1304
Main: (306) 652-7575
Fax: (306) 652-2445
Email: [email protected]


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LawyersSean Sinclair Fights to Open Court File