Robertson Stromberg welcomes Michael Conlon

Michael Conlon brings a wealth of experience to our corporate commercial practice group, with an emphasis on commercial transactions, financing, and residential and commercial real estate.


Direct: (306) 933-1365
Main: (306) 652-7575
Fax: (306) 652-2445
Email: [email protected]


SCA Seminar: Understanding Employment Law Through COVID-19

Uncertain about how to handle recent changes to employment law as a result of COVID-19? Members of the Saskatoon Construction Association can join Candice Grant on February 25 as she discusses the recent changes to the employment law landscape and what employers should consider under COVID-19.

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Webinar – Objections Cheat Sheet (CPD 292)

The ability to quickly object to an improper question at a questioning or trial is an important skill for any litigator to have. An Objections Cheat Sheet is meant to summarize the grounds and rationale for the most common objections and their accompanying exceptions.

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Sinclair appointed to the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan

Sean Sinclair has been appointed to the board of directors of the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan.  The Law Foundation of Saskatchewan serves an important role in promoting access to justice by funding organizations involved with legal education, legal research, legal aid, law libraries and law reform. 

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Steele Published in CBA Bar Notes

James Steele recently published a book review of former Chief Justice McLachlin’s memoir, which recounts her role as the first woman Chief Justice, and her time as the longest-serving Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

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LawyersRobertson Stromberg welcomes Michael Conlon