Robertson Stromberg welcomes Michael Conlon

Michael Conlon brings a wealth of experience to our corporate commercial practice group, with an emphasis on commercial transactions, financing, and residential and commercial real estate.


Direct: (306) 933-1365
Main: (306) 652-7575
Fax: (306) 652-2445
Email: [email protected]


Saskatoon featured in Canadian Lawyer magazine

Robertson Stromberg's Tiffany Paulsen and Chris Donald were interviewed for the most recent issue of Canadian Lawyer.  The article "Saskatoon: Strong Economy Boosts City's Legal Profession" by Mervin Brass looks at the recent growth in Saskatchewan's economy and the...

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Pereira Reviews Recent Expert Witness Caselaw

Jennifer Pereira contributed an article to the June 2015 issue of The Saskatchewan Advocate which highlights Canada's most recent caselaw clarifying the role of expert witnesses. The Saskatchewan Advocate is the official quarterly publication of the Saskatchewan Trial...

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Ken Ziegler interviewed by Western Producer

Ken Ziegler was interviewed by Western Producer's Karen Briere regarding foreign investment of Saskatchewan agricultural land.  Should non-Canadians be able to invest in, own and operate farmland in Saskatchewan? The article can be read here.

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Ziegler on Advisory Board

Ken Ziegler recently agreed to sit on The Hanlon Centre for International Business Studies Advisory Board.  The Hanlon Centre is part of the Edwards School of Business located at the University of Saskatchewan. To learn more about The Hanlon Centre click here.

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Alexandre & Epp present at Construction Association

Misty Alexandre and Jared Epp will be sharing their legal knowledge and providing a basic overview of the common types of insurance and bonding used in construction projects with their Construction Insurance & Bonding 101 presentation being held Wednesday, May...

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LawyersRobertson Stromberg welcomes Michael Conlon