Robertson Stromberg welcomes Michael Conlon

Michael Conlon brings a wealth of experience to our corporate commercial practice group, with an emphasis on commercial transactions, financing, and residential and commercial real estate.


Direct: (306) 933-1365
Main: (306) 652-7575
Fax: (306) 652-2445
Email: [email protected]


The Honourable Madam Justice Gwendolyn V. Goebel

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Mr. Peter McKay announced on April 11, 2014 that Gwendolyn V. Goebel  has been appointed a judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of Saskatchewan (Family Law Division). Madam Justice Goebel received a Bachelor of...

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RS Lawyers Present Construction Contract Law

Misty Alexandre, Candice Grant, and Bill Preston will present a one day workshop on Construction Contract Law for Merit Contractors Association on April 16, 2014.   Topics included:  Contract and Tort Law, Bidding and Tendering, Tips for Getting Paid, Basics of CCDC...

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Tiffany Paulsen nominated for Women of Distinction Award

Partner Tiffany M. Paulsen has been nominated for this year's YWCA Women of Distinction Award in the Leadership, Management and Professions category. Tiffany is dedicated to her family law practice and is actively involved in several professional organizations. Her...

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Misty Alexandre Presents Builders’ Lien Basics

Partner Misty Alexandre will present The Bare Bones: Builders' Lien Basics at a luncheon seminar on April 28th.  The lunch hour seminar hosted at the Saskatoon Construction Association Boardroom will provide a short summary of the basic concepts in the The Builders'...

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LawyersRobertson Stromberg welcomes Michael Conlon