Four Robertson Stromberg Lawyers Recognized as Litigation Stars

Robertson Stromberg LLP is proud to announce that four of our lawyers have been recognized by Benchmark Litigation as Litigation Stars.

Lawyers M. Kim Anderson, Q.C., Jennifer D. Pereira, Q.C., Sean M. Sinclair and Gary D. Young, Q.C., have been identified as four of the preeminent litigation practitioners in Canada.

Benchmark Litigation is a definitive guide to leading litigation firms and lawyers. The guide provides law firm and lawyer rankings based on interviews with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and clients, as well as analysis of the legal market’s most important cases and firm developments.

Our senior litigation partner M Kim Anderson, Q.C. focuses his practice on the areas of banking and finance, insolvency and restructuring, insurance, and municipal governance and regulation.

Our partner Jennifer D. Pereira, Q.C. participates in all aspects of the litigation process, with a particular focus on insurance coverage and defense, transportation, and commercial litigation.

Our partner Sean M. Sinclair has experience in most areas of civil litigation but focuses on family law, professional regulation, estate litigation and media law. He is also recognized as a family law arbitrator.

Gary D. Young, Q.C. is a senior litigation lawyer. His practice emphasizes corporate, commercial and construction litigation, insurance law, professional negligence, product liability, and general negligence law.


As a full-service Saskatchewan law firm, our roots and values are evident in everything we do. Robertson Stromberg is grounded, pragmatic and progressive. Backed by experience and buoyed by national reach, our lawyers are committed to providing reliable solutions to our clients in all aspects of the law.


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LawyersAllan M HaubrichFour Robertson Stromberg Lawyers Recognized as Litigation Stars