National Volunteer Week 2023: Highlighting our Community Involvement

From April 16 to 22, Canadians celebrate National Volunteer Week (NVW2023). This year’s theme is Volunteering Weaves Us Together, highlighting the importance of volunteering in our communities through actions that connect us with one another and strengthening our relationships.

At Robertson Stromberg LLP, we believe that it is our duty to use our skills and resources to help those who need it most. We are proud of our community involvement and active participation as volunteers with the local non-profit organizations that help make Saskatoon a great place to live. 

Our community partnerships have three central components – volunteer Board memberships, sponsorships and donations, and community involvement.

Board Memberships

Non-profit organizations are essential for building an engaged and collaborative community. Our lawyers serve on Boards as a way to support our community and to build capacity within organizations that often have limited resources.

As Board members, Robertson Stromberg lawyers volunteer their time – and provide governance expertise and oversight – to some of our community’s most active non-profit organizations and charities.

Our Board memberships include Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saskatoon and Area, Dress for Success Saskatoon, the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan, READ Saskatoon, Remai Modern art gallery and Station 20 West community centre. These organizations address issues ranging from food security in the city’s core neighbourhoods to inclusiveness and economic empowerment.

As Board members, Robertson Stromberg lawyers volunteer their time – and provide governance expertise and oversight – to some of our community’s most active non-profit organizations and charities.

Sponsorships and Donations

Robertson Stromberg recognizes that the backbone of any charitable organization is its volunteers. That’s why we commit our sponsorship dollars to assist non-profit organizations in building capacity to support those individuals who give their time to make our community great.

Some examples of organizations we support through sponsorships and donations are the Okihtcitawak Patrol Group (OPG), Prairie Hospice Society, Hockey Day in Saskatchewan, and the Secret Santa Foundation. The OPG is an Indigenous created and led community-based patrol group that services Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods. Prairie Hospice Society is a charitable, non-profit community organization working to ensure access to compassionate, community-based, end-of-life support in Saskatoon. Through the Hockey Day in Saskatchewan initiative, communities have a chance to celebrate their rinks – and to preserve them – so future generations can enjoy the same experiences. The Secret Santa Foundation’s mandate is to provide a complete Christmas to 600 less fortunate Saskatoon families with children under 12.

Community Involvement

As a community-minded full-service law firm, Robertson Stromberg lawyers provide pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations across the province. Through the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA), our lawyers offer legal advice clinics at the Saskatoon Public Library. We also participate with Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan (PBLS) to provide free legal services to low-income provincial residents.

We also give back to our community in other ways. RS Partner Misty Alexandre is currently serving a 3-year term as a Director of Sask. Sports Inc. Partner Kirsten Hnatuk volunteers as a literacy coach with READ Saskatoon’s literacy program. And, partner Siobhan Morgan serves on the ArtSpace YXE board, which is committed to securing a long-term affordable space for artists in our community.

Let’s celebrate Canada’s volunteers together. #NVW2023 #WeavingUsTogether

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8 Robertson Stromberg Lawyers recognized by their peers in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory for 2023

Congratulations to Misty S. Alexandre, M. Kim Anderson, K.C., Christopher J.H. Donald, K.C., Jared D. Epp, Tiffany M. Paulsen, K.C., Jennifer D. Pereira, K.C., Leslie W. Prosser, K.C., and Sean M. Sinclair, who have been recognized by their peers in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory for 2023.

The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, published since 1997, is based on an extensive peer survey process. It includes profiles of leading practitioners across Canada in more than 60 practice areas and leading law firms in more than 40 practice areas.

Misty S. Alexandre

M Kim Anderson, K.C.

Christopher J.H. Donald, K.C.

Jared D. Epp

Tiffany M. Paulsen, K.C.

Jennifer D. Pereira, K.C.

Leslie W. Prosser, K.C.

Sean M. Sinclair

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Robertson Stromberg Celebrates International Women’s Day 2023 on March 8

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At Robertson Stromberg LLP, we are committed to promoting gender equality at our firm, which we believe is essential to achieving a more inclusive workplace that benefits everyone. We strive to foster an environment where all employees feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

With seven female partners out of our 14, Robertson Stromberg is among the most gender-diverse law firms in Saskatchewan.

Candice D. Grant

Kirsten M. Hnatuk

Tiffany M. Paulsen, K.C.

“Robertson Stromberg strives to create a welcoming workplace for all employees. We believe that increasing the number of women in leadership positions will benefit the firm, our clients and the community at large.”

– Tiffany M. Paulsen, K.C.

Tiffany M. Paulsen, K.C.

“Robertson Stromberg strives to create a welcoming workplace for all employees. We believe that increasing the number of women in leadership positions will benefit the firm, our clients and the community at large.”

– Tiffany M. Paulsen, K.C.

“Robertson Stromberg strives to create a welcoming workplace for all employees. We believe that increasing the number of women in leadership positions will benefit the firm, our clients and the community at large.”

Robertson Stromberg’s female lawyers practice in a variety of areas, including construction and transportation law, commercial litigation, insurance and professional liability law, family law, residential real estate and mediation.

Join us as we celebrate the achievements of women who have chosen careers in law.

Siobhan H. Morgan

Darlene N. Wingerak


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The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal (Saskatchewan) celebrates the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. This award honours those who have made a positive impact on our province.

Jenn was recognized for her outstanding contributions to the community. Jenn is presently a director on the Remai Modern Foundation, whose purpose is to support the mission and activities of Remai Modern. She also sits as a trustee for the Canadian Museum of History and the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa. She is a Past President of the Persephone Theatre Board of Directors, and her work for that organization garnered her recognition as a Tourism Leader by Tourism Saskatoon. Jenn has also served on the board of TCU Place in Saskatoon and acted as chair.

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Jennifer is a past Senator of the University of Saskatchewan and a volunteer with the United Way.

She is involved in policy and board governance development for various political agencies and non-profits and has participated in several forums on democracy, the environment, and gender equity in support of that work.

RS congratulates Jenn on this significant achievement.

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To register or for more information click here.

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