
Jennifer Pereira, K.C. participates in a panel discussion “Looking Back – How 2021 Cases are Shaping 2022 Risk Management”

Join us Wednesday, September 28th, for an in-depth, Canada-wide look at the 2021 cases shaping insurance claims in 2022. Jennifer Pereira, K.C. will participate in a panel discussion "Looking Back - How 2021 Cases are Shaping 2022 Risk Management", with other members...

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Saskatchewan Estate Litigation Update: Bryant Estate v Stuart, 2021 SKCA 54

A recent case from the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal clarifies that a beneficiary who seeks an estate accounting is not required to show possible wrongdoing by the trustee before an accounting can be ordered. Background: The late Franklin Bryant was a beneficiary under...

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Saskatchewan Estate Litigation Update: McStay v Berta Estate, 2021 SKCA 51

A recent case from the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal, reminds us that a Chambers judge cannot decide conflicting evidence on the basis of affidavits. Rather, any weighing of credibility must wait for the later trial. The case in McStay arose out of a will...

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Secured Lending in Aircraft Objects – Framework Overview of the International Registry of Mobile Assets

Lenders or creditors taking security in assets relating to Aircrafts Objects need to understand the framework of the International Registry of Mobile Assets (the “Registry”). Read the brief outline of this framework and the security a lender may expect to receive in Aircraft Objects.

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