
Robertson Stromberg Celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8

Each March, International Women's Day (IWD2022) is a day to celebrate the achievements of women and girls around the world. This year’s theme is Break The Bias – addressing the unconscious bias that females can experience based on gender. At Robertson Stromberg LLP,...

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Misty Alexandre presents to the Mechanical Contractors Association of Saskatchewan on the new Prompt Payment Legislation

In a session geared especially for MCAS members, Misty Alexandre presented on the incoming prompt payment legislation. The session focused on how the new Builder’s Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act will impact infrastructure owners, the design community, and...

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Misty Alexander and Jared Epp present to the Saskatchewan Construction Association on the new Prompt Payment Legislation for Owners

In a session geared especially for owners, Misty Alexander and Jared Epp offer a webinar with a focus on the incoming prompt payment legislation and its impact on infrastructure owners, the design community, and contractors. Register here.Tuesday, February 1, 2022...

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Misty Alexandre and Jared Epp present to the Saskatchewan Construction Association on the new Prompt Payment Legislation

In a session geared especially for contractors, Misty Alexandre and Jared Epp presented to the Saskatchewan Construction Association on the incoming prompt payment legislation. The session focused on how the new Builder’s Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act will...

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Am I entitled to be notified that my family member has made a new Will?

When a loved one passes away unexpectedly, the shock can be made worse by finding out that the deceased also had made a new will totally contrary to their former will. Sometimes clients will ask me if it is legal for their loved one to make a new will, cutting out...

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